
I know. I know. We're all busy. Between lesson plans, actual teaching,
paperwork, grading, etc. how do we find time to breath let alone chaperone or sponsor a club? But we need to.                                               

Let's be realistic. Our students aren't going to remember everything they learned from us. Or anyone else for that matter. Think back to your high school memories. Most of mine revolve around a dance, a field trip, a club or a sport. In turn the people who had the most influence on me were those teachers who were involved. My science teacher who ran prom. My history teacher who ran my favorite club. My coaches who inspired me. These are the lasting impressions on our students.

Now please don't think I'm saying that academics aren't important, because of course they are. I'm just saying that so are the extras! I'm interested in what extras you all do for your students! So please share with me!

 Here's some things that I personally do:

- I'm in charge of the Junior Class. This means I'm in charge of a ton of fundraisers, the winter formal, grande march, prom, and after prom.
- I coach Competitive Varsity Cheerleading.
- I make it a point to attend at least one game, match, or competition for every sport each year.
- I do my best to support the band, musical, and chorus as well.
- I chaperone homecoming
- I coach our powderpuff game.
- I chaperone the Senior Picnic
- I chaperone the student council MLB game trip
- I purchase from at least one student for every fundraiser that comes across my desk.
- I participate in dress down days and fun dress up days.
- I feed the football team one Friday a year for being chosen as an honorary coach.
- I take my students to a conference cook off.
- I attend graduation & baccalaureate
-I give away two FACS awards at the end of the year ceremony.
- I pick my top students to help with multiple luncheons. (Veterans, Staff, etc.)

So what do you guys do?! How will your students remember you outside of the academic bubble?



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