Compliment Project

Teaching Junior High is hard. Being in Junior High is harder. I don't think there is a tougher age to be. I can't imagine growing up in this age of technology where your likes on social media and the number of "swipe ups" you get determine your self worth.

For these reasons among many others, I started using the compliment project. The compliment project allows students to compliment each other in a safe environment. I provide a white board with nothing more than a name written on it and some different colored markers. When my students come in I already have a name for the day written on the board. That student sits in the "hot seat" and their peers begin to write compliments all over the board. 


Once the students finish the student in the "hot seat" gets to turn around and take it all in. I've had students cry, completely overwhelmed with love. It is a beautiful thing to see the confidence rise in that junior high student.

I than take the students picture. I print all of these photos and file them away. I will hand them back to all of my students at the end of their senior year.

Do you do any "time capsule" sort of projects?


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